It makes me think of all the different types of mom I have been during my 7 year long mom career.
First I was the married, non pregnant mom who loved kids and judged every parent I saw. I would think things like, "My kid would never be that dirty" or "Why don't they comb that poor child's hair", or even, "My child will never have a tantrum in public- I would never let that happen!"
Then I was the married pregnant mom. I did my will, bought life insurance, started buying baby clothes at 3 months pregnant, read every mommy book possible and worried every day that my stress was hurting my unborn perfect child. I will never forget washing (with the expensive newborn detergent) & organizing my daughter's clothes at 8 months pregnant thinking, "This is the funnest thing I have ever done!" I sanitized the house 5 times, spent hours picking out the perfect color paint for the nursery and ordered a year supply of Disney books before she was even born. I was the perfect mom!
Then I was a mom. My first baby. I was in love like I had never experience before. She was perfect. She had matching outfits with matching blankets and hair clips. I stared at her the first 4 days to make sure she was still breathing until I had a tantrum from lack of sleep. I learned that milk curdles if left under the chin, yellow, mustard like poo does not stain and projectile vomit can literally hit the wall on the other side of the room. Little babies eat every three hours and it takes them one hour to eat. That means you are feeding your baby all the time!
I also learned that you still look pregnant when you leave the hospital and other parts grow even larger. You can not control if your baby cries or has a blow out when your boss is holding the baby when you visit the office to show off your new toy. The mother guilt started to kick in and I was so fearful that I had already screwed her up in some way. Was I too loud? Did she cry 30 seconds more than she should? Maybe I wasn't doing something right?
Then I was the single mom. By far, that is the hardest job I have ever had. I would be at a park with my daughter working on tumble & tea cafe and married, SAH moms would be talking about how it was so hard because their husband was out of town for 2 days and left them with the kids. They didn't even have a clue.
Now my daughter had to be my helper too. I was not a perfect mom and felt guilty about that. Sometimes an hour after brushing her hair it look as if I had never brushed it and I remember how judgmental I was. I guess I really learned how hard it was to be a mom, especially a single mom starting a cafe.
Now I am a pregnant, non single mom. I think this is the best. I have an amazing partner, a 6 year old daughter who is so excited about being a big sister and I am definitely not as emotional having number 2. It is still exciting but not as scary.
Take a moment to think of all the stages of mommy hood you have experience. This is the most important job you will ever have. Take time to do something nice for yourself- you deserve it. Take care of you, take care of you kids and love your life! Congratulations on being a mom or even mom to be and Happy Mother's Day!