Picture this- a very busy Sunday. People waiting outside for a table and the cafe is full. Everything is going smooth; customers are happy, birthday party kids are opening presents, food is taking less then 5 minutes per order, our team is having fun- I could not be happier!
I was helping the staff by running food to the tables when disaster stuck. Now, I usually have this super ability to multi-task and see everything that is happening in the cafe, but for some reason my super powers took the day off.
As I was walking to the cafe delivering food, a 2 year old walked right in front of me. I didn't even see her and as I was walking, I kicked her. She fell down and started crying. The once bustling cafe suddenly came to a standstill. The music even paused as if the sounds system was trying to draw attention to my public display of child abuse.
Everyone was staring at me with this little, cute baby on the floor in front of me crying. I bent down (with both hands filled with plates of paninnis and waffles) to try to comfort the little girl. Just as i bent down, a little boy walked behind me and I knocked him over with my butt. He hit the ground, started crying as the entire cafe is starring at me.
What can I do? I am kneeling on the floor with two crying kids and my handsful of food? The little girl looks up at me and said as loud as possible, "Bad Lady!" It was so cute, the entire cafe started laughing.
The kids were just fine, their parents started laughing and I was never so embarrassed in my life. It ended up being a good day and it was funnier and funnier the more time that passed. The staff called me "Bad Lady", the kids got free cupcakes and all of our customers got a good laugh. Not a bad Sunday!
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